Gym Membership

Unlimited Fitness Classes from $49 | Maroochydore

Unlimited Fitness Classes from $49

Get unlimited access to over 20 different classes per week to work into your schedule.

7 Days for $49
10 Session Pass $180
10 Week Pass $350

Single Visit Entry $20

Personal and Group Fitness Classes | Worx Health and Fitness | Maroochydore

Personal & Group Training

With over 10 years industry experience, our trainers deliver world-class programs with a fun and positive approach. We specialise in improving balance, mobility, flexibility and social skills to enhance the quality of life for NDIS and senior members

Worx Health and Fitness | Fitness Programs | Maroochydore

No Contracts

We offer a flexible weekly no lock-in contract membership with no hidden fees

Fitness Classes | Maroochydore Gym

No Joining Fees

Our mission is to make fitness affordable! That’s why we don’t charge joining fees like other fitness studios